Een professioneel relatiemanagement kent niet alleen professionele netwerkers

A book about relationship management

This article in English

“It is often said that employees are responsible for building and maintaining their own network, because relationships are mostly based upon personal likings or functionalities. That is true, however from an organization-wide perspective there is also a need. Organizational networks should be sustainable and remain after the employee leaves the organization. By nature, all relationships can be seen as personal, but they are also crucial to and an inherent part of an organization.”

Deze quote uit Hoofdstuk 10 van het boek Managing Authentic Relationship, een hoofdstuk geschreven door Gerty Smit van de Hotelschool The Hague, gaat over een veel voorkomend misverstand in relatiemanagement. Een professioneel relatiemanagement kent niet alleen professionele netwerkers, maar ook een facilitator en ondersteuner van de netwerkers, de zogeheten ‘Manager of the Network’. De netwerkers in de organisatie verhouden zich tot de geïdentificeerde individuele relaties, de Manager of the Network heeft het overzicht en coördineert het grote -relatie- plaatje:

  • De netwerker: de interne stakeholders die een netwerk bouwen en/of onderhouden (dit is een rol, voor vrijwel iedere medewerker in een organisatie);
  • De Manager(s) of the Network van een organisatie: diegene(n) verantwoordelijk voor het faciliteren en managen van het gehele netwerk van een organisatie.

“Being professionals, we are all networkers and we all have different ways of being part of a relationship. We all have different kind of working relations (in- and externally) and also one of more different networks we (more or less) participate in. People always know other people, in formal or informal relationships, while doing official tasks, but also during lunchtime or on a social occasion. This can lead to complications; the information that is shared can come from different perspectives but also with different purposes. Roles might be unclear or overlapping and the information that is shared might be lost because of that.”

De ontwikkeling van een netwerk wordt niet aan het toeval overgelaten, want netwerken dienen bij te dragen aan de strategische doelen van een organisatie

“Networks should not be shaped at random, but in such way that they contribute to the goal of the entire organization. To achieve this, a network should be structured and transparent. Access to networks is shared among colleagues and the organization benefits from each other’s relationships.”

The book about relationship management 'Managing Authentic Relationships 'De Manager of the Network is er om dit doel te bewaken. De Manager of the Network bewaakt de strategie en doelstellingen van de organisatie en is ondermeer verantwoordelijk voor:

  • “Translating the overall strategy of an organization into a Networking Vision and Relationship Management Strategy and communicating this vision and strategy in the organization;
  • Mapping and managing the internal stakeholders, defining roles/responsibilities and assisting the Networking Teams in mapping and managing the external stakeholders;
  • Forming the Networking Teams: linking the networkers within the organization to the external stakeholders, those operating in the same network;
  • Measuring results, formulating the KPI’s and calculating the Return-on-Relationship;
  • Supporting the networking activities by making sure the CRM-system is fit to support the Relationship Management activities and used properly by the networkers, by developing basis-routines in mapping and managing external stakeholders and by developing a training program for the networkers;
  • Keep the overview of data management and all social media activities;
  • Developing networking activities such as networking events, newsletters etc.;
  • Keeping track of the external networking activities the organization is involved in.

To manage and facilitate a network in a coordinated way, the Manager(s) of the Network stimulates the networkers towards certain goals by dividing roles and tasks. A so-called transactional leadership transform the networkers by focusing on the importance of the Relationship Management and its purpose, as well as the added value of the networkers when working towards the Relationship Management objectives.”


Lees meer artikelen over Managing Authentic Relationships op ons blog:
Managing Authentic Relationship is een boek over relatiemanagement en netwerken gepubliceerd door Amsterdam University Press:

A book about networking and relationship management


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